First In The Fleet
Apparatus #128 is a 1924 American LaFrance
1000-GPM triple combination rotary gear
pumper, hose and 40 gallon
soda-acid chemical tank. It is one of the last rotary gear
to survive in Seattle. In later years, this type of pump
became obsolete due to
the advent of the centrifugal pump.
Originally painted "Fire Engine" red, Apparatus
#128 was repainted white during its
restoration by the Last Resort
Fire Department. Historically, white is the second most
color for fire apparatus. Purchased new by the Everett Fire
Department for
$13,500, Apparatus #128 was later sold to the
town of Index for $1,200 on March 12, 1950. In 1967 it became the
first rig acquired by the
members of the LRFD. The Seattle Fire Department had 5
almost identical to this one, all delivered in January, 1921, but
they remained
"Fire Engine" red throughout their 37 years in the S.F.D.

Historical Photos
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App 128 - 1971

App 128 - 1971

~ The Station ~
Index Fire Station

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